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Defenition of the word highly

    • Defenition of the word highly

      • In a high or esteemed manner.
      • in a high position or level or rank; "details known by only a few highly placed persons"
      • favorably or with much respect; "He spoke highly of her"; "does not think highly of his writing"
      • at a high rate or wage; "highly paid workers"
      • to a high degree or extent; "highly successful play"; "highly informative"; "a highly educated woman"; "an extremely interesting book"
      • to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect; "highly successful"; "He spoke highly of her"; "does not think highly of his writing"; "extremely interesting"
      • in a high position or level or rank
      • to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect
      • at a high rate or wage

    Synonyms for the word highly

      • abundantly
      • amply
      • approvingly
      • decidedly
      • exceedingly
      • extremely
      • favorably
      • graciously
      • greatly
      • kindly
      • substantially
      • vastly
      • very
      • very much
      • very well
      • warmly
      • well

    Similar words in the highly

      • highly

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