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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "h"
Words starting with letters "hi"
Words starting with letters "hij"
Words starting with letters "hija"
Defenition of the word hijaz
Defenition of the word hijaz
Defenition of the word hijaz
a coastal region of the western Arabian Peninsula bordering on the Red Sea; includes both Mecca and Medina; formerly an independent kingdom until it united with Nejd to form the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Meronymys for the word hijaz
Arabian Peninsula
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Hypernyms for the word hijaz
geographic area
geographic region
geographical area
geographical region
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Proverbs and sayings for the word hindu-arabic numeral
Translation of the word in other languages hip to(p)
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "z"
Words ending with letters "az"
Words ending with letters "jaz"
Words ending with letters "ijaz"
Meaning of the word hijaz