Defenition of the word hind
Defenition of the word hind
- A female deer.
- located at or near the back of an animal; "back (or hind) legs"; "the hinder part of a carcass"
- female red deer
- any of several mostly spotted fishes that resemble groupers
- a female deer, especially an adult female red deer
- located at or near the back of an animal
Synonyms for the word hind
- back
- final
- hinder
- hindmost
- posterior
- rear
Similar words in the hind
- hind
- hindemith
- hindemith's
- hindenburg
- hindenburg's
- hinder
- hindered
- hindering
- hinders
- hindi
- hindi's
- hindmost
- hindquarter
- hindquarter's
- hindquarters
- hindrance
- hindrance's
- hindrances
- hinds
- hindu
- hindu's
- hinduism
- hinduism's
- hinduisms
- hindus
- hindustan
- hindustan's
- hindustani
- hindustani's
- posterior
Meronymys for the word hind
- Epinephelus
- genus Epinephelus
Hyponyms for the word hind
- Epinephelus adscensionis
- rock hind
Hypernyms for the word hind
- american elk
- Cervus elaphus
- elk
- grouper
- red deer
- wapiti
See other words