Defenition of the word hokum
Defenition of the word hokum
- a message that seems to convey no meaning
Synonyms for the word hokum
- bunkum
- claptrap
- garbage
- hogwash
- hooey
- humbug
- nonsense
- twaddle
Similar words in the hokum
Hyponyms for the word hokum
- absurdity
- absurdness
- amphigory
- balderdash
- baloney
- bilgewater
- boloney
- bosh
- buzzword
- cant
- cobblers
- crock
- drool
- empty talk
- empty words
- fa la
- fal la
- fiddle-faddle
- flummery
- gibber
- gibberish
- hooey
- hot air
- humbug
- incoherence
- incoherency
- jabberwocky
- mummery
- nonsense verse
- palaver
- piffle
- poppycock
- rhetoric
- ridiculousness
- rigamarole
- rigmarole
- schmegegge
- shmegegge
- stuff
- stuff and nonsense
- taradiddle
- tarradiddle
- tommyrot
- tosh
- twaddle
- unintelligibility
Hypernyms for the word hokum
- content
- message
- subject matter
- substance
See other words