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Defenition of the word homogenise

    • Defenition of the word homogenise

      • cause to become equal or homogeneous as by mixing; "homogenize the main ingredients"
      • become homogeneous or similar, as by mixing; "The two liquids homogenized in the blender"
      • break up the fat globules of; "homogenized milk"
      • cause to become equal or homogeneous as by mixing
      • become homogeneous or similar, as by mixing
      • break up the fat globules of

    Hypernyms for the word homogenise

      • change state
      • equal
      • equalise
      • equalize
      • equate
      • match
      • turn

    Antonyms for the word homogenise

      • clabber
      • clot
      • curdle

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