Defenition of the word hurl
Defenition of the word hurl
- To regurgitate the contents of the stomach.
- a violent throw
- throw forcefully
- utter with force; utter vehemently; "hurl insults"; "throw accusations at someone"
- make a thrusting forward movement
- utter with force; utter vehemently
Synonyms for the word hurl
- cast
- chuck
- fling
- heave
- hurtle
- launch
- lunge
- throw
- thrust
- toss
Similar words in the hurl
- anchor
- cast anchor
- drop anchor
- hurl
- hurled
- hurler
- hurler's
- hurlers
- hurley
- hurley's
- hurling
- hurling's
- hurls
Hyponyms for the word hurl
- bowl
- catapult
- crash
- dart
- dash
- precipitate
- riposte
- sling
Hypernyms for the word hurl
- express
- give tongue to
- move
- throw
- utter
- verbalise
- verbalize
See other words