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Defenition of the word hypoxia

    • Defenition of the word hypoxia

      • A phenomenon that occurs in aquatic environments as dissolved oxygen becomes reduced in concentration to a point detrimental to aquatic organisms living in the system.
      • The reduction of oxygen in tissues below levels which are considered to be normal.
      • a very strong drive resulting from oxygen deficiency in bodily tissues (short of anoxia)
      • a very strong drive resulting from a deficiency of available oxygen in the blood and bodily tissues (short of anoxia)
      • oxygen deficiency causing a very strong drive to correct the deficiency

    Meronymys for the word hypoxia

      • asphyxia

    Hyponyms for the word hypoxia

      • altitude sickness
      • anemic hypoxia
      • anoxia
      • asphyxiation
      • hypoxic hypoxia
      • ischemic hypoxia
      • stagnant hypoxia
      • suffocation

    Hypernyms for the word hypoxia

      • drive

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