Defenition of the word immobilise
Defenition of the word immobilise
- cause to be unable to move; "The sudden storm immobilized the traffic"
- prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government"
- convert (assets) into fixed capital
- make defenseless
- to hold fast or prevent from moving; "The child was pinned under the fallen tree"
- hold as reserve or withdraw from circulation; of capital
- cause to be unable to move
- prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)
- to hold fast or prevent from moving
Hyponyms for the word immobilise
- paralyse
- paralyze
- stun
- stupefy
Hypernyms for the word immobilise
- beat
- beat out
- change over
- convert
- crush
- curb
- curtail
- cut back
- keep back
- restrict
- shell
- trounce
- vanquish
- withhold
Antonyms for the word immobilise
- free
- release
- unblock
- unfreeze
See other words