Defenition of the word impermeable
Defenition of the word impermeable
- Not permitting the passage of water.
- preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through; "impermeable stone"; an impermeable layer of scum"; "a coat impermeable to rain"
- preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through; "impermeable stone"; "an impermeable layer of scum"; "a coat impermeable to rain"
- preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through
Synonyms for the word impermeable
- impervious
- rainproof
- resistant
- solid
- water-resistant
- waterproof
- watertight
Similar words in the impermeable
- impermeable
- imperviable
- impervious
- rubber
- rubberised
- rubberized
- tight
- water-repellent
- water-resistant
Antonyms for the word impermeable
See other words