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Defenition of the word in essence

    • Defenition of the word in essence

      • at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature; "He is basically dishonest"; "the argument was essentially a technical one"; "for all his bluster he is in essence a shy person"
      • with regard to fundamentals although not concerning details; "in principle, we agree"
      • being the essence or essential element of a thing; "substantial equivalents"; "substantive information"
      • at bottom or by one''s (or its) very nature; "He is basically dishonest"; "the argument was essentially a technical one"; "for all his bluster he is in essence a shy person"
      • with regard to fundamentals although not concerning details

    Synonyms for the word in essence

      • au fond
      • basically
      • essentially
      • fundamentally
      • in principle
      • in theory
      • substantial
      • substantive

    Similar words in the in essence

      • essential

    See other words