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Defenition of the word incumbent

    • Defenition of the word incumbent

      • Being the current holder of an office.
      • The official who holds an office.
      • currently holding an office; "the incumbent governor"
      • (geology) lying or leaning on something else; "an incumbent geological formation"
      • the official who holds an office
      • lying or leaning on something else; "an incumbent geological formation"
      • currently holding an office
      • necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility; morally binding
      • lying or leaning on something else

    Synonyms for the word incumbent

      • officeholder

    Similar words in the incumbent

      • current
      • superjacent

    Hyponyms for the word incumbent

      • office-bearer

    Hypernyms for the word incumbent

      • functionary
      • holder
      • official

    See other words