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Defenition of the word indicative

    • Defenition of the word indicative

      • Conjugation mode of a verb.
      • (grammar) relating to the mood of verbs that is used simple declarative statements; "indicative mood"
      • having a covert or special meaning
      • a mood (grammatically unmarked) that represents the act or state as an objective fact
      • (usually followed by `of'') pointing out or revealing clearly; "actions indicative of fear"
      • relating to the mood of verbs that is used simple declarative statements; "indicative mood"
      • (usually followed by `of') pointing out or revealing clearly
      • relating to the mood of verbs that is used simple in declarative statements

    Synonyms for the word indicative

      • common mood
      • declarative
      • declarative mood
      • fact mood
      • indicative mood
      • significative
      • suggestive

    Similar words in the indicative

      • meaningful
      • revealing

    Hypernyms for the word indicative

      • modality
      • mode
      • mood

    See other words