Defenition of the word insubstantial
Defenition of the word insubstantial
- Lacking material form or substance.
- lacking in nutritive value; "the jejune diets of the very poor"
- lacking material form or substance; unreal; "as insubstantial as a dream"; "an insubstantial mirage on the horizon"
- lacking material form or substance; unreal
- lacking in nutritive value
Synonyms for the word insubstantial
- flimsy
- frail
- jejune
- light
- slight
- thin
- unreal
- unsubstantial
- weak
Similar words in the insubstantial
- aerial
- aeriform
- aery
- airy
- ethereal
- immaterial
- insubstantial
- nonmaterial
- paper
- shadowy
- unwholesome
- wraithlike
Antonyms for the word insubstantial
- material
- real
- substantial
See other words