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Defenition of the word involved

    • Defenition of the word involved

      • highly involved or intricate; "the Byzantine tax structure"; "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning"; "an intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology"; "the plot was too involved"; "a knotty problem"; "got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering"; "Oh, what a tangled web we weave"- Sir Walter Scott; "tortuous legal procedures"; "tortuous negotiations lasting for months"
      • connected by participation or association or use; "we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved"; "the problems involved"; "the involved muscles"; "I don't want to get involved"; "everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified"
      • enveloped; "a castle involved in mist"; "the difficulties in which the question is involved"
      • emotionally involved
      • entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire; "the difficulties in which the question is involved"; "brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion"
      • connected by participation or association or use; "we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved"; "the problems involved"; "the involved muscles"; "I don''t want to get involved"; "everyone involved in the bribery case ha
      • highly involved or intricate; "the Byzantine tax structure"; "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning"; "intricate needlework"; "an intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology"; "the plot was too involved"; "a knotty problem"; "got his way by lab
      • entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire
      • connected by participation or association or use
      • enveloped
      • highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious

    Synonyms for the word involved

      • Byzantine
      • caught up
      • complex
      • complicated
      • concerned
      • convoluted
      • difficult
      • drawn in
      • elaborate
      • implicated
      • intricate
      • involved with
      • knotty
      • labyrinthine
      • mired
      • mixed up
      • occupied
      • tangled
      • tortuous

    Similar words in the involved

      • active
      • attached
      • caught up
      • caught up(p)
      • committed
      • complex
      • concerned
      • embroiled
      • enclosed
      • encumbered
      • engaged
      • entangled
      • implicated
      • interested
      • involved
      • neck-deep
      • participating
      • up to her neck
      • up to his neck
      • up to my neck
      • up to our necks
      • up to their necks
      • up to your neck

    Antonyms for the word involved

      • uninvolved

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