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Defenition of the word irrigate

    • Defenition of the word irrigate

      • To supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow or grow stronger.
      • To rinse out a wound or bodily cavity.
      • pour water on; "Water the lawn"
      • supply with a constant flow or sprinkling of some liquid, for the purpose of cooling, cleansing, or disinfecting; "irrigate the wound"
      • supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams; "Water the fields"
      • supply with a constant flow or sprinkling of some liquid, for the purpose of cooling, cleansing, or disinfecting
      • supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams

    Synonyms for the word irrigate

      • dampen
      • hose
      • hose down
      • water
      • wet

    Similar words in the irrigate

      • irrigate
      • irrigated
      • irrigates

    Hyponyms for the word irrigate

      • flush
      • hose
      • hose down
      • hush

    Hypernyms for the word irrigate

      • care for
      • treat
      • wet

    See other words