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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "j"
Words starting with letters "jd"
Words starting with letters "jda"
Defenition of the word jdam
Defenition of the word jdam
Defenition of the word jdam
a pinpoint bomb guidance device that can be strapped to a gravity bomb thus converting dumb bombs into smart bombs
Hypernyms for the word jdam
guidance device
guidance system
See other words
What is jasper johns
The definition of jaroslav hasek
The interpretation of the word japanese-speaking
What is meant by japanese red army
The lexical meaning japan trench
The dictionary meaning of the word janis joplin
The grammatical meaning of the word jane jacobs
Meaning of the word jane goodall
Literal and figurative meaning of the word jane fonda
The origin of the word jean anouilh
Synonym for the word jean antoine watteau
Antonyms for the word jean arp
Homonyms for the word jean auguste dominique ingres
Hyponyms for the word jean baptiste camille corot
Holonyms for the word jean baptiste de lamarck
Hypernyms for the word jean baptiste donatien de vimeur
Proverbs and sayings for the word jean baptiste joseph fourier
Translation of the word in other languages jean baptiste lully
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "m"
Words ending with letters "am"
Words ending with letters "dam"
Meaning of the word jdam