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Defenition of the word joker

    • Defenition of the word joker

      • A person in bright garb and fool's cap who amused a mediaeval royal court.
      • Someone who makes jokes.
      • A playing card that features a picture of a joker (that is, a jester) and that may be used as a wild card in some card games.
      • One who jokes.
      • a person who enjoys telling or playing jokes
      • a person who does something thoughtless or annoying; "some joker is blocking the driveway"
      • a playing card that is usually printed with a picture of a jester
      • an inconspicuous clause in a document or bill that affects its meaning in a way that is not immediately apparent
      • a person who does something thoughtless or annoying

    Synonyms for the word joker

      • buffoon
      • clown
      • comedian
      • comic
      • court jester
      • fool
      • jokester
      • turkey
      • wag

    Similar words in the joker

      • joker
      • joker's
      • jokers

    Hypernyms for the word joker

      • article
      • clause
      • comedian
      • comic
      • disagreeable person
      • playing card
      • unpleasant person

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