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Defenition of the word Kaposi's sarcoma

    • Defenition of the word Kaposi's sarcoma

      • A type of cancer caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels, which causes pink or purple spots or small bumps on the skin.
      • a sarcoma that starts with purplish spots on the and spreads from the skin to the lymph nodes and internal organs; a common manifestation of AIDS; "until 1980 Karposi's sarcoma occurred almost exclusively with Jewish or Italian or black men"
      • a sarcoma that starts with purplish spots on the feet and legs and spreads from the skin to lymph nodes and internal organs; a common manifestation of AIDS; "until 1980 Kaposi''s sarcoma occurred almost exclusively with Jewish or Italian or black men"
      • a sarcoma that starts with purplish spots on the feet and legs and spreads from the skin to lymph nodes and internal organs; a common manifestation of AIDS

    Synonyms for the word Kaposi's sarcoma

      • Kaposi's sarcoma

    Hypernyms for the word Kaposi's sarcoma

      • sarcoma

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