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Defenition of the word kenogenesis

    • Defenition of the word kenogenesis

      • introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species (as addition of the placenta in mammalian evolution)
      • introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species (such as the addition of the placenta in mammalian evolution)

    Synonyms for the word kenogenesis

      • caenogenesis
      • cainogenesis
      • cenogenesis
      • kainogenesis

    Hypernyms for the word kenogenesis

      • development
      • growing
      • growth
      • maturation
      • ontogenesis
      • ontogeny

    Antonyms for the word kenogenesis

      • palingenesis
      • recapitulation

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