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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "k"
Words starting with letters "kn"
Words starting with letters "kno"
Words starting with letters "know"
Words starting with letters "knowi"
Words starting with letters "knowin"
Words starting with letters "knowing"
Words starting with letters "knowingn"
Words starting with letters "knowingne"
Words starting with letters "knowingnes"
Defenition of the word knowingness
Defenition of the word knowingness
Defenition of the word knowingness
having knowledge of; "he had no awareness of his mistakes"; "his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced"; "their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive"
shrewdness demonstrated by knowledge
having knowledge of
Synonyms for the word knowingness
Hyponyms for the word knowingness
Hypernyms for the word knowingness
See other words
What is avoirdupois
The definition of turning away
The interpretation of the word avocet
What is meant by avocational
The lexical meaning spare-time activity
The dictionary meaning of the word by-line
The grammatical meaning of the word avocation
Meaning of the word persea americana
Literal and figurative meaning of the word avocado tree
The origin of the word awayness
Synonym for the word away game
Antonyms for the word road game
Homonyms for the word awestricken
Hyponyms for the word in awe of
Holonyms for the word atrip
Hypernyms for the word aweless
Proverbs and sayings for the word awless
Translation of the word in other languages dreaded
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "s"
Words ending with letters "ss"
Words ending with letters "ess"
Words ending with letters "ness"
Words ending with letters "gness"
Words ending with letters "ngness"
Words ending with letters "ingness"
Words ending with letters "wingness"
Words ending with letters "owingness"
Words ending with letters "nowingness"
Meaning of the word knowingness