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Defenition of the word liberalism

    • Defenition of the word liberalism

      • A political movement founded on the autonomy and personal freedom of the individual, progress and reform, and government by law with the consent of the governed.
      • an economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market and the gold standard
      • a political orientation that favors progress and reform
      • an economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market
      • a political orientation that favors social progress by reform and by changing laws rather than by revolution

    Synonyms for the word liberalism

      • broadmindedness
      • freethinking
      • laissez-faire
      • moderation
      • open-mindedness
      • tolerance

    Similar words in the liberalism

      • liberalism
      • liberalism's

    Hyponyms for the word liberalism

      • neoliberalism

    Hypernyms for the word liberalism

      • economic theory
      • ideology
      • political orientation
      • political theory

    See other words