Defenition of the word lifetime
Defenition of the word lifetime
- The duration of the life of someone or something.
- Lasting a lifetime.
- (Of prison sentences) Ending only with death.
- the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death); "the battery had a short life"; "he lived a long and happy life"
- the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)
Synonyms for the word lifetime
- days
- duration
- era
- existence
- generation
- life
- life span
- lifespan
- natural life
- period
- time
Similar words in the lifetime
- lifetime
- lifetime's
- lifetimes
Meronymys for the word lifetime
- age
- birth
- death
- demise
- dying
- time of life
Hyponyms for the word lifetime
- afterlife
- hereafter
- life expectancy
Hypernyms for the word lifetime
- amount of time
- period
- period of time
- time period
See other words