Defenition of the word lily
Defenition of the word lily
- A flowering plant of the genus Lilium.
- any liliaceous plant of the genus Lilium having showy pendulous flowers
Meronymys for the word lily
Hyponyms for the word lily
- Annunciation lily
- Bermuda lily
- Canada lily
- coast lily
- Columbia tiger lily
- devil lily
- Easter lily
- kentan
- Lent lily
- leopard lily
- Lilium auratum
- Lilium canadense
- Lilium candidum
- Lilium catesbaei
- Lilium columbianum
- Lilium lancifolium
- Lilium longiflorum
- Lilium maritinum
- Lilium martagon
- Lilium michiganense
- Lilium pardalinum
- Lilium philadelphicum
- Lilium superbum
- Madonna lily
- martagon
- meadow lily
- Michigan lily
- mountain lily
- Oregon lily
- panther lily
- pine lily
- tiger lily
- Turk's cap-lily
- Turk's-cap
- white lily
- white trumpet lily
- wild meadow lily
- wild yellow lily
- wood lily
Hypernyms for the word lily
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