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Defenition of the word linux
Defenition of the word linux
Defenition of the word linux
A free Unix-like operating system kernel created by Linus Torvalds based on previous Minix work from Andrew Tannenbaum and released under the GNU General Public License. (source: Wikipedia)
an open-source version of the UNIX operating system
Hypernyms for the word linux
UNIX operating system
UNIX system
See other words
What is lineal
The definition of nachricht
The interpretation of the word nachname
What is meant by doppelkernprozessor
The lexical meaning nachnahme
The dictionary meaning of the word nachmittag
The grammatical meaning of the word linde
Meaning of the word magnetismus
Literal and figurative meaning of the word magdeburg
The origin of the word nachtigall
Synonym for the word mais
Antonyms for the word lippe
Homonyms for the word liste
Hyponyms for the word kilogramm
Holonyms for the word litauen
Hypernyms for the word makulatur
Proverbs and sayings for the word nacken
Translation of the word in other languages litauer
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "x"
Words ending with letters "ux"
Words ending with letters "nux"
Words ending with letters "inux"
Meaning of the word linux