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Defenition of the word lipo-hepin

    • Defenition of the word lipo-hepin

      • a polysaccharide produced in basophils (especially in the lung and liver) and that inhibit the activity of thrombin in coagulation of the blood; heparin sodium (trade names Lipo-Hepin and Liquaemin) is used as an anticoagulant in the treatment of thrombos
      • a polysaccharide produced in basophils (especially in the lung and liver) and that inhibits the activity of thrombin in coagulation of the blood; it (trade names Lipo-Hepin and Liquaemin) is used as an anticoagulant in the treatment of thrombosis and in heart surgery

    Hypernyms for the word lipo-hepin

      • anticoagulant
      • anticoagulant medication
      • decoagulant
      • polyose
      • polysaccharide

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