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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "l"
Words starting with letters "lu"
Words starting with letters "lue"
Defenition of the word lues
Defenition of the word lues
Defenition of the word lues
a common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital (transmitted through the placenta)
Hyponyms for the word lues
primary syphilis
secondary syphilis
tertiary syphilis
Hypernyms for the word lues
cupid's disease
cupid's itch
sexually transmitted disease
social disease
venereal disease
venereal infection
venus's curse
See other words
What is low-interest
The definition of low-growing
The interpretation of the word low-altitude
What is meant by loveseat
The lexical meaning lovers' knot
The dictionary meaning of the word lounging pyjama
The grammatical meaning of the word lounging pajama
Meaning of the word loungewear
Literal and figurative meaning of the word louis harold gray
The origin of the word lues venerea
Synonym for the word lumberman's saw
Antonyms for the word lung-like
Homonyms for the word lut desert
Hyponyms for the word luxuriation
Holonyms for the word lymphoblast-like
Hypernyms for the word lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
Proverbs and sayings for the word lymphogranuloma
Translation of the word in other languages lyre-shaped
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "s"
Words ending with letters "es"
Words ending with letters "ues"
Meaning of the word lues