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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "l"
Words starting with letters "lu"
Words starting with letters "lup"
Words starting with letters "lupu"
Defenition of the word lupus
Defenition of the word lupus
Defenition of the word lupus
A chronic autoimmune disease that is potentially debilitating and sometimes fatal as the immune system attacks the body’s cells and tissue, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage.
a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Centaurus
any of several forms of ulcerative skin disease
Synonyms for the word lupus
Hyponyms for the word lupus
discoid lupus erythematosus
disseminated lupus erythematosus
lupus erythematosus
lupus vulgaris
systemic lupus erythematosus
Hypernyms for the word lupus
disease of the skin
skin condition
skin disease
skin disorder
skin problem
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English dictionary
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Meaning of the word lupus