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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "m"
Words starting with letters "ma"
Words starting with letters "mad"
Words starting with letters "made"
Words starting with letters "made-"
Words starting with letters "made-u"
Defenition of the word made-up
Defenition of the word made-up
Defenition of the word made-up
Consisting of a lie.
formed by fitting or joining components together
formed or conceived by the imagination; "a fabricated excuse for his absence"; "a fancied wrong"; "a fictional character"; "used fictitious names"; "a made-up story"
marked by the use of makeup; "heavily made-up eyes"
(British) having been paved
having been paved
Synonyms for the word made-up
Similar words in the made-up
See other words
What is by all accounts
The definition of it would seem
The interpretation of the word theorized
What is meant by theorizes
The lexical meaning allegedly
The dictionary meaning of the word infers
The grammatical meaning of the word inferring
Meaning of the word infernos
Literal and figurative meaning of the word inferred
The origin of the word rumored
Synonym for the word theoretical
Antonyms for the word implied
Homonyms for the word hypothesizes
Hyponyms for the word hypothesized
Holonyms for the word unwritten
Hypernyms for the word unarticulated
Proverbs and sayings for the word tacitus
Translation of the word in other languages taciturnity
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "p"
Words ending with letters "up"
Words ending with letters "-up"
Words ending with letters "e-up"
Words ending with letters "de-up"
Words ending with letters "ade-up"
Meaning of the word made-up