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Defenition of the word malignant anemia

    • Defenition of the word malignant anemia

      • a chronic progressive anemia of older adults; thought to result from a lack of intrinsic factor (a substance secreted by the stomach that is responsible for the absorption of vitamin B-12)
      • a chronic progressive anemia of older adults; thought to result from a lack of intrinsic factor (a substance secreted by the stomach that is responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12)

    Synonyms for the word malignant anemia

      • pernicious anemia

    Hyponyms for the word malignant anemia

      • megaloblastic anaemia
      • megaloblastic anemia
      • metaplastic anaemia
      • metaplastic anemia

    Hypernyms for the word malignant anemia

      • anaemia
      • anemia

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