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Defenition of the word middleweight

    • Defenition of the word middleweight

      • of middle weight or of a middleweight category (147-160 lbs for boxers); "a middleweight boxer"
      • a boxer who weighs no more than 160 pounds
      • a wrestler who weighs 172-192 pounds
      • a professional boxer who weighs between 155 and 160 pounds
      • an amateur boxer who weighs no more than 165 pounds
      • of middle weight or of a middleweight category (155-160 lbs for prizefighters); "a middleweight boxer"

    Similar words in the middleweight

      • heavy

    Hypernyms for the word middleweight

      • boxer
      • gladiator
      • grappler
      • matman
      • prizefighter
      • pugilist
      • wrestler

    See other words