Defenition of the word misrepresent
Defenition of the word misrepresent
- fake or falsify; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"
- represent falsely; "This statement misrepresents my intentions"
- represent falsely
- tamper, with the purpose of deception
Synonyms for the word misrepresent
- belie
- cook
- fake
- falsify
- fudge
- manipulate
- wangle
Similar words in the misrepresent
- cook up
- fabricate
- invent
- make up
- manufacture
Hyponyms for the word misrepresent
- affect
- dissemble
- distort
- falsify
- feign
- garble
- juggle
- pretend
- sentimentalise
- sentimentalize
- sham
- warp
Hypernyms for the word misrepresent
See other words