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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "m"
Words starting with letters "mo"
Words starting with letters "moi"
Words starting with letters "moie"
Words starting with letters "moiet"
Defenition of the word moiety
Defenition of the word moiety
Defenition of the word moiety
In organic chemistry, a specific grouping of elements that is characteristic of a class of compounds, and determines some properties and reactions of that class
one of two basic subdivisions of a tribe
one of two (approximately) equal parts
Synonyms for the word moiety
Meronymys for the word moiety
Hypernyms for the word moiety
social group
See other words
What is modern Greek drachma
The definition of moderate oneself
The interpretation of the word model-driven engineering
What is meant by model-based testing
The lexical meaning model transformation
The dictionary meaning of the word modality
The grammatical meaning of the word modal verb
Meaning of the word mock strawberry
Literal and figurative meaning of the word mochi rice
The origin of the word moil
Synonym for the word moka machine
Antonyms for the word moka pot
Homonyms for the word moke
Hyponyms for the word molar
Holonyms for the word molasse
Hypernyms for the word molasses
Proverbs and sayings for the word molecular biology
Translation of the word in other languages molecular clock
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "y"
Words ending with letters "ty"
Words ending with letters "ety"
Words ending with letters "iety"
Words ending with letters "oiety"
Meaning of the word moiety