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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "m"
Words starting with letters "mo"
Words starting with letters "mol"
Defenition of the word mola
Defenition of the word mola
Defenition of the word mola
among the largest bony fish; pelagic fish having an oval compressed body with high dorsal and anal fins and caudal fin reduced to a rudder-like lobe; worldwide in warm waters
Synonyms for the word mola
ocean sunfish
Meronymys for the word mola
genus Mola
Hyponyms for the word mola
Mola lanceolata
sharptail mola
Hypernyms for the word mola
plectognath fish
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Translation of the word in other languages radius
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "a"
Words ending with letters "la"
Words ending with letters "ola"
Meaning of the word mola