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Defenition of the word monkeypod

    • Defenition of the word monkeypod

      • large ornamental tropical American tree withbipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and sweet-pulp seed pods eaten by cattle
      • large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and sweet-pulp seed pods eaten by cattle
      • large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle

    Synonyms for the word monkeypod

      • Albizia saman
      • monkey pod
      • rain tree
      • saman
      • zaman
      • zamang

    Hypernyms for the word monkeypod

      • albizia
      • albizzia

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