Defenition of the word musteline
Defenition of the word musteline
- fissiped fur-bearing carnivorous mammals
Synonyms for the word musteline
- mustelid
- musteline mammal
Meronymys for the word musteline
- family Mustelidae
- Mustelidae
Hyponyms for the word musteline
- badger
- black-footed ferret
- carcajou
- Eira barbara
- Enhydra lutris
- ferret
- fitch
- foulmart
- foumart
- Galictis vittatus
- glutton
- grison
- Grison vittatus
- Gulo gulo
- Gulo luscus
- honey badger
- marten
- marten cat
- Mellivora capensis
- mink
- Mustela nigripes
- Mustela putorius
- otter
- polecat
- ratel
- sea otter
- skunk
- skunk bear
- taira
- tayra
- weasel
- wolverine
- wood pussy
Hypernyms for the word musteline
See other words