Defenition of the word natal plum
Defenition of the word natal plum
- edible scarlet plum-like fruit of a South African plant
- South African shrub having forked spines and plumlike fruit; frequently used as hedging
- very large closely branched South African shrub having forked bright green spines and shiny leaves
- edible scarlet plumlike fruit of a South African plant
Synonyms for the word natal plum
- amatungulu
- Carissa bispinosa
- Carissa grandiflora
- Carissa macrocarpa
- carissa plum
- hedge thorn
Meronymys for the word natal plum
- amatungulu
- Carissa grandiflora
- Carissa macrocarpa
- carissa plum
- natal plum
Hypernyms for the word natal plum
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