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Defenition of the word Navaho

    • Defenition of the word Navaho

      • A people of the southwestern United States who call themselves the DinГ©.
      • An Athabaskan language (of Na-DenГ© stock) spoken in the southwest United States by the Navajo people (DinГ©). (Source: Wikipedia)
      • the Athapaskan language spoken by the Navaho people
      • a member of an Athapaskan people that migrated to Arizona and New Mexico and Utah
      • the Athapaskan language spoken by the Navaho

    Synonyms for the word Navaho

      • Navaho
      • Navajo

    Hypernyms for the word Navaho

      • Athabascan
      • Athabaskan
      • Athapascan
      • Athapaskan
      • Athapaskan language

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