Defenition of the word new world sparrow
Defenition of the word new world sparrow
- sparrow-like North American finches
Synonyms for the word new world sparrow
Hyponyms for the word new world sparrow
- chipping sparrow
- field sparrow
- grass finch
- Melospiza georgiana
- Melospiza melodia
- Pooecetes gramineus
- song sparrow
- Spizella arborea
- Spizella passerina
- Spizella pusilla
- swamp sparrow
- tree sparrow
- vesper sparrow
- white-crowned sparrow
- white-throated sparrow
- whitethroat
- Zonotrichia albicollis
- Zonotrichia leucophrys
Hypernyms for the word new world sparrow
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