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Defenition of the word newcastle-upon-tyne

    • Defenition of the word newcastle-upon-tyne

      • a port in northeastern England on the River Tyne; a center for coal exports (giving rise to the expression "carry coals to Newcastle" meaning to do something unnecessary)
      • a port city in northeastern England on the River Tyne; a center for coal exports (giving rise to the expression `carry coals to Newcastle'' meaning to do something unnecessary)
      • a port city in northeastern England on the River Tyne; a center for coal exports (giving rise to the expression `carry coals to Newcastle' meaning to do something unnecessary)

    Synonyms for the word newcastle-upon-tyne

      • Newcastle
      • Newcastle-upon-Tyne

    Meronymys for the word newcastle-upon-tyne

      • England

    Hypernyms for the word newcastle-upon-tyne

      • city
      • metropolis
      • port
      • urban center

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