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Defenition of the word nipping

    • Defenition of the word nipping

      • capable of wounding; "a barbed compliment"; "a biting aphorism"; "pungent satire"
      • pleasantly cold and invigorating; "crisp clear nights and frosty mornings"; "a nipping wind"; "a nippy fall day"; "snappy weather"; (`parky' is a British term)
      • pleasantly cold and invigorating; "crisp clear nights and frosty mornings"; "a nipping wind"; "a nippy fall day"; "snappy weather"; (`parky'' is a British term)
      • pleasantly cold and invigorating
      • capable of wounding

    Synonyms for the word nipping

      • barbed
      • biting
      • crisp
      • frosty
      • nippy
      • parky
      • pungent
      • snappy

    Similar words in the nipping

      • cold
      • sarcastic

    See other words