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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "n"
Words starting with letters "np"
Defenition of the word npa
Defenition of the word npa
Defenition of the word npa
a terrorist organization that is the militant wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines; a Maoist organization formed to overthrow the government; uses hit squads called Sparrow Units; opposes United States military presence in the Philippines
Hypernyms for the word npa
foreign terrorist organization
terrorist group
terrorist organization
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The interpretation of the word novate
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The origin of the word npc
Synonym for the word nra
Antonyms for the word nrc
Homonyms for the word nrem
Hyponyms for the word nrl
Holonyms for the word nrlb
Hypernyms for the word nrna
Proverbs and sayings for the word nro
Translation of the word in other languages nrti
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "a"
Words ending with letters "pa"
Meaning of the word npa