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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "o"
Words starting with letters "ol"
Words starting with letters "old"
Words starting with letters "old "
Words starting with letters "old s"
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Words starting with letters "old sty"
Words starting with letters "old styl"
Words starting with letters "old style"
Words starting with letters "old style "
Words starting with letters "old style c"
Words starting with letters "old style ca"
Words starting with letters "old style cal"
Words starting with letters "old style cale"
Words starting with letters "old style calen"
Words starting with letters "old style calend"
Words starting with letters "old style calenda"
Defenition of the word old style calendar
Defenition of the word old style calendar
Defenition of the word old style calendar
the solar calendar introduced in Rome in 46 b.c. by Julius Caesar and slightly modified by Augustus, establishing the 12-month year of 365 days with each 4th year having 366 days and the months having 31 or 30 days except for February
Hypernyms for the word old style calendar
solar calendar
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English dictionary
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Meaning of the word old style calendar