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Defenition of the word on-line

    • Defenition of the word on-line

      • Accessible via a computer or computer network.
      • Performed over the internet.
      • being in progress now; "on-line editorial projects"
      • (computer sci) connected to a computer network or accessible by computer; "an on-line database"
      • (transportation) on a regular route of a railroad or bus or airline system; "on-line industries"
      • connected to a computer network or accessible by computer; "an on-line database"
      • on a regular route of a railroad or bus or airline system; "on-line industries"
      • being in progress now
      • connected to a computer network or accessible by computer
      • on a regular route of a railroad or bus or airline system

    Similar words in the on-line

      • connected
      • current
      • machine-accessible

    Antonyms for the word on-line

      • off-line

    See other words