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Defenition of the word opposition

    • Defenition of the word opposition

      • A contestant that you are matched against.
      • The relative position of two celestial bodies when they have an angular distance of 180 degrees
      • the act of opposing groups confronting each other; "the government was not ready for a confrontation with the unions"; "the invaders encountered stiff opposition"
      • an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force); "a soldier must be prepared to kill his enemies"
      • a body of people united in opposing something
      • a direction opposite to another
      • a contestant that you are matched against
      • the relation between opposed entities
      • the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with; "he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens"; "despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead"
      • a political party opposed to the party in power and prepared to replace it if elected; "Her Majesty''s loyal opposition"
      • the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with
      • the act of hostile groups opposing each other
      • the major political party opposed to the party in office and prepared to replace it if elected
      • an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force)

    Synonyms for the word opposition

      • antagonism
      • challenger
      • competitor
      • conflict
      • confrontation
      • disagreement
      • enemy
      • foe
      • foeman
      • hostility
      • opponent
      • opposite
      • oppositeness
      • other side
      • resistance
      • rival
      • unfriendliness

    Similar words in the opposition

      • opposition
      • opposition's

    Meronymys for the word opposition

      • enemy

    Hyponyms for the word opposition

      • antagonism
      • anti-takeover defense
      • antipodal
      • antipodal opposition
      • antipode
      • antithesis
      • besieger
      • conflict
      • contradiction
      • contradictoriness
      • contrariety
      • contrary
      • contrast
      • diametrical opposition
      • direct contrast
      • enantiomorphism
      • flip side
      • gradable opposition
      • INC
      • inverse
      • Iraqi National Congress
      • lockout
      • mirror-image relation
      • mutual opposition
      • opposite
      • orthogonal opposition
      • orthogonality
      • perpendicularity
      • polarity
      • reaction
      • reverse
      • sign
      • strikebreaking
      • tertium quid
      • ungradable opposition

    Hypernyms for the word opposition

      • action
      • adversary
      • antagonist
      • body
      • contestant
      • direction
      • opponent
      • opposer
      • party
      • political party
      • relation
      • resistance
      • resister

    See other words