Defenition of the word order caryophyllales
Defenition of the word order caryophyllales
- corresponds approximately to the older group Centrospermae
Synonyms for the word order caryophyllales
- Caryophyllales
- Chenopodiales
- order Caryophyllales
- order-Chenopodiales
Meronymys for the word order caryophyllales
- Aizoaceae
- Allioniaceae
- amaranth family
- Amaranthaceae
- Batidaceae
- carnation family
- carpetweed family
- Caryophyllaceae
- Caryophyllidae
- Chenopodiaceae
- family Aizoaceae
- family Allioniaceae
- family Amaranthaceae
- family Batidaceae
- family Caryophyllaceae
- family Chenopodiaceae
- family Nyctaginaceae
- family Phytolaccaceae
- family Portulacaceae
- family Tetragoniaceae
- four-o'clock family
- goosefoot family
- Nyctaginaceae
- Phytolaccaceae
- pink family
- pokeweed family
- Portulacacaea
- purslane family
- saltwort family
- subclass Caryophyllidae
- Tetragoniaceae
Hypernyms for the word order caryophyllales
See other words