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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "o"
Words starting with letters "or"
Words starting with letters "ord"
Words starting with letters "ordn"
Words starting with letters "ordna"
Words starting with letters "ordnan"
Words starting with letters "ordnanc"
Words starting with letters "ordnance"
Words starting with letters "ordnance "
Words starting with letters "ordnance s"
Words starting with letters "ordnance su"
Words starting with letters "ordnance sur"
Words starting with letters "ordnance surv"
Words starting with letters "ordnance surve"
Defenition of the word ordnance survey
Defenition of the word ordnance survey
Defenition of the word ordnance survey
the official cartography agency of the British government
Hypernyms for the word ordnance survey
administrative body
administrative unit
See other words
What is ordainer
The definition of orczy
The interpretation of the word orchotomy
What is meant by orchiopexy
The lexical meaning orchidalgia
The dictionary meaning of the word orbiter
The grammatical meaning of the word orbitale
Meaning of the word orbital rotation
Literal and figurative meaning of the word orbital point
The origin of the word oread
Synonym for the word oreide
Antonyms for the word orelanism
Homonyms for the word orff
Hyponyms for the word organ transplant
Holonyms for the word organic brain syndrome
Hypernyms for the word organic disorder
Proverbs and sayings for the word organic fertiliser
Translation of the word in other languages organised
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "y"
Words ending with letters "ey"
Words ending with letters "vey"
Words ending with letters "rvey"
Words ending with letters "urvey"
Words ending with letters "survey"
Words ending with letters " survey"
Words ending with letters "e survey"
Words ending with letters "ce survey"
Words ending with letters "nce survey"
Words ending with letters "ance survey"
Words ending with letters "nance survey"
Words ending with letters "dnance survey"
Words ending with letters "rdnance survey"
Meaning of the word ordnance survey