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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "o"
Words starting with letters "os"
Words starting with letters "osm"
Words starting with letters "osma"
Words starting with letters "osman"
Words starting with letters "osman "
Defenition of the word osman i
Defenition of the word osman i
Defenition of the word osman i
the conqueror of Turkey who founded the Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman dynasty that ruled Turkey after the 13th century; conquered most of Asia Minor and assumed the title of emir in 1299 (1259-1326)
Hypernyms for the word osman i
See other words
What is oscar hammerstein ii
The definition of oscar hammerstein
The interpretation of the word oscar fingal o'flahertie wills wilde
What is meant by oscan-speaking
The lexical meaning osasco
The dictionary meaning of the word osama bin laden
The grammatical meaning of the word osaka bay
Meaning of the word orwell
Literal and figurative meaning of the word orville wright
The origin of the word osmanli
Synonym for the word osmiridium
Antonyms for the word osmoreceptor
Homonyms for the word osteitis deformans
Hyponyms for the word osteoblastoma
Holonyms for the word osteochondroma
Hypernyms for the word osteoclasis
Proverbs and sayings for the word osteoclast
Translation of the word in other languages osteocyte
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "i"
Words ending with letters " i"
Words ending with letters "n i"
Words ending with letters "an i"
Words ending with letters "man i"
Words ending with letters "sman i"
Meaning of the word osman i