Defenition of the word overwhelm
Defenition of the word overwhelm
- To subdue by superior force.
- overcome by superior force
- charge someone with too many tasks
- overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
- cover completely or make imperceptible; "I was drowned in work"; "The noise drowned out her speech"
- cover completely or make imperceptible
Synonyms for the word overwhelm
- crush
- deluge
- destroy
- drown
- flood out
- overcome
- overmaster
- overpower
- overtake
- submerge
- sweep over
- whelm
Similar words in the overwhelm
Hyponyms for the word overwhelm
- benight
- clutch
- devastate
- get hold of
- kill
- knock out
- lock
- seize
- stagger
- steamroll
- steamroller
Hypernyms for the word overwhelm
- arouse
- beat
- beat out
- burden
- charge
- cover
- crush
- elicit
- enkindle
- evoke
- fire
- kindle
- provoke
- raise
- saddle
- shell
- spread over
- trounce
- vanquish
See other words