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Defenition of the word panic

    • Defenition of the word panic

      • To be overcome by a sudden fear and lose control.
      • To cause sudden fear and loss of control.
      • cause panic in; fill with panic; "Th mere thought of an isolation cell panicked the prisoners"
      • feel panic; "The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away"
      • sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events; "panic in the stock market"; "a war scare"
      • an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
      • sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events; "panic in the stock market"; "a war scare"; "a bomb scare led them to evacuate the building"
      • cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic; "The mere thought of an isolation cell panicked the prisoners"
      • be overcome by a sudden fear; "The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away"
      • sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events
      • cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic
      • be overcome by a sudden fear

    Synonyms for the word panic

      • scare
      • terror

    Hyponyms for the word panic

      • freak
      • freak out
      • gross out
      • red scare
      • swivet

    Hypernyms for the word panic

      • anxiety
      • anxiousness
      • dread
      • fear
      • fearfulness
      • fright
      • terrify
      • terrorise
      • terrorize

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