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Defenition of the word parasitical

    • Defenition of the word parasitical

      • Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of parasites.
      • of plants or persons; having the nature or habits of a parasite or leech; living off another; "a wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses"; "parasitic vines that strangle the trees"; "bloodsucking blackmailer"; "his indolent leechlike existence"
      • of plants or persons; having the nature or habits of a parasite or leech; living off another; "a wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses"; "parasitic vines that strangle the trees"; "bloodsucking blackmailer"; "his indolent leechlike existenc
      • relating to or caused by parasites; "parasitic infection"
      • of plants or persons; having the nature or habits of a parasite or leech; living off another
      • relating to or caused by parasites

    Synonyms for the word parasitical

      • bloodsucking
      • leechlike
      • parasitic

    Similar words in the parasitical

      • dependent

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